
This assignment is designed to incite debate as to whether learners who have been identified as having an increased possibility of becoming NEET (Not in Education Employment and Training) at school leaving age, would be more likely to progress positively at Post 16 should they receive mandated support through successfully meeting assessment criteria for the allocation of an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP).

Six months prior to writing the assignment, the author submitted a 4000 word assignment investigating whether a mandatory collection and publishing of standardised Risk of NEET Indicator (RONI) data would aid in reducing numbers of Post 16 NEETs. The author concluded that ‘red’ RONI learners should be added as a category to existing Pupil Premium data, which is mandatory and nationally recognised. It was proposed this may then enable schools to direct additional, Pupil Premium, funding for those identified learners (who would not have previously qualified) to additional intervention strategies and/or alternative academic offers to facilitate positive progression at Post 16.

As a continuation of the study, this assignment aims to explore if those same identified learners would have been eligible to access EHCPs with outcomes focused on positive Post 16 progressions and transitions and subsequently would the numbers of Post 16 NEETs be reduced?

Read the full study